History of medical education in Romania
In the nineteenth century, the foundations of medical study in Romania were laid. Thus,
the first university of its kind was founded – "National School of Medicine and
Pharmacy", founded by Carol Davila and Nicolae Kretzulescu, in Bucharest, which is
currently called "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy.
Over time, other universities of medicine and pharmacy have been built in various cities
in the country, contributing to the diversification and development of medical education
in Romania. Today, medical universities in Romania are internationally recognized for
the quality of training of future medical professionals.
Medical universities in Romania are made up of different fields and are divided into
faculties, which are adapted to the requirements of the labor market. I will present you
some of the medical branches that you will find if you choose to study medicine in
·General medicine: in this program you will train to become a general practitioner,
you will take care of all ages, providing them with diagnosis and treatments. You
will learn about short-term health problems, such as some skin conditions, like
hives, but also about long-term diseases such as diabetes or diseases affecting
the respiratory system and their treatments;
·Dentistry: This program prepares you in oral health practice. This training includes
the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases;
·Pharmacy: if you choose to attend such a university, you will learn here about the
chemical and biological substances used in the creation of medicines, about how
to prepare and administer them and about the effects on the body;
·Nursing: in this faculty you will be prepared to become a qualified nurse, work
under the observation of doctors and provide medical care to patients

These were just some of the study programs at medical universities in Romania. Each
university can have different specializations and programs, depending on its interests.
Medical universities in Romania offer all study programs (bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral
studies) and residency programs with various specializations, to help and improve the
skills you will learn during the years of study. Below I will leave you some details about
each level of medical education in Romania:
• bachelor's degree: this program lasts between 3-6 years (depending on the faculty you
choose) and provides you with training on basic skills in various medical fields;
These levels of study give you the chance to learn and develop your professional skills
in your medical career, starting from the basis of medicine, to the specialization you
have proposed from the beginning.
• master's degree: level of study spanning approximately 2 years, which can be followed
after obtaining the license and provides more detailed training in the medical or
pharmaceutical field;
• doctoral degree: the program usually lasts between 3-5 years, during which you will
have the chance to continue your academic evolution under the guidance of a mentor
and develop your own research projects;
• residency: to this program you will be able to apply only after graduating from the
Faculty of Medicine, where you will undergo training in a medical specialization, under
the supervision of experts, and depending on the chosen specialty, this level lasts
between 3 and 6 years.

Universities and faculties of medicine in Romania
We know how difficult it is to find a university that meets all your requirements, so we
will present you the best medical universities in Romania and some top faculties within
universities that also have medical fields in their structure:

"Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Bucharest
Located in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy
"Carol Davila" (UMF "Carol Davila") is the first higher education institution with
specializations in medical fields in the country. It was founded in 1857 under the name
of National School of Medicine and Pharmacy.
This medical university in Romania bears the name of Carol Davila, a doctor and
educator of French origin who had an important role in modernizing the health system
and medical education in Romania.
As a student you will benefit from several facilities at this medical university that will help
you during your study: accommodation, access to the university library, student campsthat will be beneficial in your personal development, scholarships of all kinds, medical
services, etc.
The university consists of four faculties that have several specializations included and
study programs: bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate and postgraduate studies. I will leave
you a few lines about each, with some general information:
·Faculty of Medicine: this faculty is divided into "preclinical education" which is made
up of 3 departments (functional sciences, morphological sciences and
complementary sciences) and "clinical education" consisting of 14 departments
(medical semiology, cardio-thoracic pathology, clinical neuroscience, pediatrics,
general surgery, ophthalmology, obstetrics, orthopedics, physical medicine and
rehabilitation, etc.). As a foreign student, you will have the chance to study at
this faculty also in English, and for admission will be evaluated the files or
documents equivalent to them;
·Faculty of Dentistry: if you choose this faculty you will participate in theoretical and
practical courses (with the help of collaborations with hospitals and clinics in
Bucharest) in various fields, such as: anatomy, physiology, oral pathology, dental
radiology, oral surgery, etc.
This faculty is divided into 3 departments (dentistry department I, dentistry II and
dentistry III), all of theme have modern, well-equipped equipment and
laboratories to receive quality training. For international students, the university
offers courses taught in English.
·Faculty of Pharmacy: if you are passionate about research and science, then this is
the right faculty for you. As a structure, it is divided into two departments:
department of pharmacy I – Fundamental sciences and department of pharmacy
II – Profile sciences (specciality). Here you will learn about the process of
creating medicines, the substances used in this process and the impact of
medicines on the human body. The faculty also offers foreign students courses
taught in French;
·Faculty of Midwifery and Nursing: here you will gain skills in nursing and health
care and become a qualified professional. The courses are theoretical and
practical and will help you become a health professional, midwives, nurses,
health managers, etc.
The faculty is composed of two departments: the department "fundamental disciplines"
(physiology, pathophysiology, hygiene, nutrition, radiology and medical imaging) and the
department "specific disciplines" (social medicine, dental technique, general and
specific nursing, etc.).
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

If you are an animal lover and you are concerned about their well-being, then your place
is at this university. Reached the current form in 1995, it consists of 7 faculties, with bachelor's, master's and doctoral study programs and with the forms of education, full-time, part-time and distance learning, depending on the specifics of the chosen faculty.
Our attention goes to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, which is the first faculty of its
kind in Romania and is among the top faculties of veterinary medicine in Romania. In
2002, it was approved on the list of faculties by the European Association of
Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE).
The duration of studies is 6 years and the diploma obtained is recognized throughout
Europe. At this institution you will gain knowledge that you will apply in a specialized
Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest – Faculty of Medicine / Faculty of Dental Medicine
·The Faculty of Medicine, based in Bucharest, has been internationally certified by
the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and
Research (FAIMER) and the World Health Organization (OSM);
·The Faculty of Dentistry, located in Bucharest, consists of 3 study programs:
bachelor's degree, which consists of two specializations (Dental Medicine and
Dental Technique), master's studies and doctoral studies. The courses will be
theoretical, but also practical at the Private Clinical Center for Dental Medical
Assistance Titu Maiorescu;
·The Faculty of Nursing, based in Târgu Jiu, is the newest faculty within Titu
Maiorescu University. The duration of studies is 4 years, with full-time education.
The recognition of studies conducted by foreign candidates will be done by the
specialized department within the Ministry of Education, before enrolling candidates in
the admission contest, each candidate having the obligation to present, when
registering for the competition, the certificate of recognition of studies.
University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova
The University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, also recognized as UMF Craiova,
is the only higher education institution in the Oltenia area that offers training in the
medical field. The study programs are bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate and postgraduate
studies, within the 4 faculties:
Faculty of Medicine: is among the best medical colleges in Romania;
Faculty of Dentistry: is focused on building a bright future for the students by
providing them with the necessary resources. The Faculty operates through two
departments: Department 1 which includes general medicine, dental prosthetics,
oral rehabilitation, prosthesis technology, dental materials, stomatognathic
system morphology and Department 2 which includes the disciplines of oro-
maxillofacial surgery, odontotherapy, endodontics, pedodontics, orthodontics,
oro-dental prevention, oral pathology, periodontology and oral health.
The bachelor's program operates according to two specializations (Dental
Medicine and Dental Technique), and the master's program specializes in
"Protein restorations with implant support";

·Faculty of Pharmacy: following this faculty you will discover the branches of
pharmaceutical science and take part in research and development
programming. The duration of studies is 5 years, and the form of education is full-
·The Faculty of Midwifery and Nursing: offers three specializations within the
bachelor's program: nursing, midwifery and balneo-physio-kinetotherapy. For the
master's program, the specialization "Development of Community Nursing
Services" is offered.
"Iuliu Haţieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

Being among the most prestigious medical universities in Romania, "Iuliu Haţieganu"
University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca or UMF CLUJ for short, offers
bachelor, master, doctorate and residency programs within the 3 faculties:
·Faculty of Medicine that aims to prepare professionals in the medical and pharmaceutical
fields, to successfully perform in any medical system in the world. As a field of study
within the bachelor's program, the faculty supports the following specializations:
medicine (taught in Romanian, English and French, the duration of the courses being 6
years), general medical assistance in Cluj or Baia Mare (the duration of the courses is 4
years, and the courses are taught in Romanian language), balneo-physio-kinetotherapy
and recovery (teaching is done in Romanian language, and courses span 3 years) and
radiology and imaging (courses last 3 years);
·Faculty of Dental Medicine with the specializations: dental medicine (duration of 6 years,
taught in English, French and Romanian) and dental technology (teaching in Romanian
language, and courses lasting 3 years);
·Faculty of Pharmacy which has the specializations: pharmacy (student years span a
period of 5 years, and the languages of instruction are Romanian and French), nutrition
and dietetics (duration of 3 years, teaching in Romanian language) and medical
cosmetics and technology of cosmetic product (duration of 3 years and teaching in
Romanian language).
Both Romanian citizens, who graduated from high school, and foreign citizens (from EU
countries, European Economic Area states and Switzerland) can participate in
admission, all having to meet the same conditions, there being no differences in terms
of tuition fees.
Transilvania University of Brasov – Faculty of Medicine
Transilvania University of Brasov, among the most important higher education
institutions in Romania, was founded in 1948.
The university consists of 17 faculties, one of them being directed towards medical
specialization and is among the best faculties of medicine in Romania. The
undergraduate study programs within the Faculty of Medicine are divided into 4
·Medicine: the duration of studies is 6 years, being about 5500 hours of theory and
practice, to gain as much basic and specialized knowledge as possible. As disciplines
you will find the following: anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, biophysics, internal
medicine, histology, bacteriology-virology-parasitology, genetics, pathophysiology,
morphopathology, surgery;

·General medical assistance: has a training period of 4 years, having a series of disciplines
that will help you gain theoretical and practical knowledge: anatomy, patient care
technique, physiology, genetics, pathophysiology, morphopathology, surgery, internal
·Balneophysiokinetotherapy and recovery: it will prepare you for offering prevention
services and treatments through specific therapies, both for minor cases and for more
serious cases;
·Clinical laboratory: it will prepare you, with the help of modern equipped spaces and
academic activities, to qualify you in a profession as a clinical laboratory assistant,
which will offer you employment opportunities both in the country and abroad.
"Ovidius" University of Constanța – Faculty of Medicine
Being near the Black Sea shore, "Ovidius" University of Constanta is among the
prestigious universities in Romania and is concerned about the academic performance
of students. Consisting of 14 faculties, which have all forms and educational programs,
the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Dentistry also meet:
·Faculty of Pharmacy comprises three study programs: pharmacy, pharmacy assistance
and medical cosmetics and product technology;
·Faculty of Medicine consisting of study programs: medicine, general medical assistance
and balneo-physiokinetotherapy and recovery;
·Faculty of Dentistry which consists of study programs: dental medicine (in Romanian or
English) and dental technology.

In addition, here are some more universities and faculties that offer medical training in
Romania and are at the top of the lists of higher education in Romania:
- Grigore T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iași;
- George Emil Palade" University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Târgu Mureș;
- Dunărea de Jos" University of Galați – Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy;
Why choose to study medicine in Romania?
Studying at one of the medical universities in Romania might be one of your best
choices. With our help you will find the best medical colleges (general medicine,
dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, etc.) and you will find out some reasons why
you pursue your studies in Romania.
.Variety of options
In Romania you will find a multitude of state or private universities, which also have
faculties with medical fields. In addition, you will find a medical faculty in almost every
.Favorable costs
Choosing a medical faculty, there will always be unpredictable costs, but considering
only the countries of Europe, the cheapest medical universities are in Romania.
Compared to other countries, in Romania you will have the chance to apply to the
faculty you want, knowing one of the English, French or Romanian languages, this
being a general rule for many universities in the country and rarely found in others in
Our interest is to help you as much as possible to find the best university or faculty that
suits you the most, where you will be able to apply your skills.