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Study in Romania, the best place for education in 2024

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Romania is located in the southeastern part of Central Europe, on the lower course of the Danube and northwest of the Black Sea, with the capital in Bucharest.

The history of education in Romania starts in the Middle Ages, when letters and Christian beliefs were taught in churches and monasteries. The first educational institution such as elementary schools, gymnasiums, colleges and universities appeared in the 19th century.

The most important higher education institutions are the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University in Iași and the University of Bucharest, which have contributed to the diversification and modernization of Romanian education, currently being two prestigious higher education institutions in the country.

Romanian education focuses on improving the quality of education, modernizing all institutions, with state-of-the-art equipment and systems to make teachers’ teaching methods more efficient for a clearer transmission of information.


Education in Romania consists of:

  • primary education, which includes grades I – IV, being the first stage in the education system and one of the important stages in children’s education;
  • secondary education, which includes grades V – VIII, being designed to consolidate and develop the knowledge, skills and competences acquired in the previous stage;
  • high-school education, which lasts for four years, preparing students for later stages of education and for adult life;
  • post-secondary or higher education that prepares students to enter the workforce in a specific field;

If you are interested in pursuing higher education in Romania, then here you will find the information you will need.

Education system in Romania

Higher education consists of universities, academies and schools of higher education, which can be state or fee-paying. These are institutions that offer education based on accredited study programs. The mission of higher education is to train new talents on the labor market.

In addition, education aims to meet the demands of the socioeconomic environment through scientific research and innovation, both in individual and collective fields, in the sciences, engineering, arts and literature.


From the point of view of the structure, the study year starts between September and October and consists of two semesters, each with 14 weeks and a minimum of 3 weeks allocated to exams.

Structure of education in Romania

For admission to university studies in Romania, CNRED (National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas) collaborates with higher education institutions to respect the specific criteria related to admission (difference exams or other compensatory measures, degree level, field of study, etc.).

Citizens who attended a higher education institution in the European Union (EU), non-EU countries, the European Economic Area (EEA) or the Swiss Confederation (Switzerland) have their study documents recognized and equated by the CNRED (National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas).

This center evaluates and establishes the level, field or specialization of the act from abroad, in relation to the education system in Romania. The duration of the recognition of bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate diplomas is 30 working days, but it can be extended if an additional check by the National Council for the Attestation of University Titles, Diplomas and Certificates (C.N.A.T.D.C.U.) is required.

In some institutions of higher education in Romania, a preparatory year of the Romanian language with teaching in English is organized for foreign students.

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Higher education is divided into 4 branches:


• undergraduate university studies, being the first cycle of higher education, with a duration of 3-6 years (depending on the chosen field) and with a minimum of 180 and a maximum of 240 credits. The undergraduate study programs can be organized in the following forms: full-time, part-time and distance education, and only graduates with a baccalaureate diploma or an equivalent diploma can participate in admission;


• university master's studies, represent the 2nd cycle of higher education, which lasts 1-2 years and has a number of credits between 60 and 120. Graduates with a bachelor's degree or a degree equivalent to it can apply for admission;


• doctoral university studies, which constitute the 3rd cycle of higher education, are composed of full-time and part-time education. The duration of the program is normally 3 years, but it can be extended by 1-2 years, with the approval of the university senate. Only graduates with a master's degree or its equivalent can take part in admission;


• postgraduate studies, which represent an additional stage of education and training of a student that he can follow after graduating from a higher institution. There are short-term postgraduate studies lasting a few months or a year and long-term postgraduate studies between 1 and 6 years (doctorates and residencies).

Eustudy blogs

If you choose to study in Romania, it is important to know that the education system is complex and offers access to education to all interested citizens, whether Romanian or foreign, for personal and professional development.